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Shadow work for beginners!

Shadow work helped me reveal my soul gifts, heal trauma, release blocks and tap into my power!  I'm going to share with you how to get started with shadow work for beginners. 

That time I first tried shadow work...

 When I attempted to do shadow work for the very first time, it took me a while to actually get it because a lot of the ways that it was being taught did not resonate with me. I kept seeing shadow work being taught through fear. I had already experienced a lot of fear in my life and I didn't need more of that. 

Instead, I created sacred space for myself and developed a way to do shadow work that was a lot more gentle and easy to continue to go back to. I came up with my own approach that allows me to feel supported and also go at my own pace. 

 Shadow work for beginners step #1:

Ask yourself if you're ready to be honest, to see the truth of the things that you feel inside, the things that you believe? Are you ready to see the full truth? 

If you're not ready, that's okay. Don't judge yourself, maybe you’re not in the season of this and you can always come back to it. But if you are ready, then move to step #2. 

Shadow work for beginners step #2:

Choose a practice that is going to help you do shadow work. 

This can be…

  • Journaling, Meditation, Dancing

  • Journaling, Breathwork

  • Therapy, Walking or some form of exercise

  • Contemplation, Walking

Did you notice that all of these include one practice that involves the body?

 The reason is because this needs to happen at every level of your being.  At the level of the mind, the body and also your energy field.

 Shadow work for beginners step #3:

Start with what's most alive within you right now. 

What's the thing that's driving you to do shadow work? 

What's the thing that you feel is holding you back? 

What's the thing that's creating pain and suffering within you? 

What's the thing that you're having doubts and fears about? 

If you have no idea what's most alive within you, then you then start with self worth. 

Do you believe you're worthy? 

If you fail, do you believe you're worthy? 

If you succeed, do you believe you are worthy?

If you do absolutely nothing the whole day and just sleep, do you believe you’re worthy?

Is your worth attached to productivity, money, or success? 

Do shadow work around your worth! 

Other topics can include.

  • The witch wound

  • Inner child healing

  • Money

  • Relationships

 And what you're going to do once you have the topic, is ask herself really difficult questions and be honest. Be okay with what comes up not being so pretty. It's okay, it doesn't make you good or bad. It just is what it is. 

Why doing shadow work is so helpful...

The reason why shadow helps you with so many things is because shadow aspects of yourself have energy. Shadow aspects of yourself hold gifts, they hold wisdom. When you push these aspects of you away because it's uncomfortable to witness those aspects, you're also pushing away that energy, those gifts and that wisdom. The moment you open up yourself to your shadow, all of you come back home. All those aspects, all that energy, all those gifts. Come back online so that you can utilize them in the world. 

 I'm going to give you just a few examples of some questions that you can ask yourself. Let's talk  specifically about the example of worthiness. 

Things that you can ask yourself, whether you're journaling, contemplating, or having a discussion with someone, are…

Do I feel worthy? 

Why don't I feel worthy? 

When was the first time I questioned my worth?

Who makes me feel unworthy? 

Who makes me feel worthy? 

When have I felt the most worthy? 

Allow yourself to just let out whatever is actually there. Do not judge yourself. Be kind to yourself, this is all just to witness and allow it to process. 

Shadow work for beginners step #4: 

Integration and gratitude.  This is when we use that other practice to integrate into the body. This can be walking, exercise, breathwork, dancing, or really anything where you move your body. 

We spend too much time just in the mind, we're not just a mind. We have so much energy, wisdom, and codes in our body. Until we bring any thoughts and lessons down into our body and really move it there, we will never, ever fully be the most divine aspect of us. 

Gratitude is a very amplifying energy. When we drop into gratitude, by being grateful for ourselves, for showing up, for being courageous, for doing this work, for witnessing, for not judging, it will 10x the effects at this workouts. 

 Shadow work for beginners step #5:


This is ongoing work. This is the real work! 

When you do shadow work in this way, in a gentle way, in a cyclical way, you can always come back to the very foundational but powerful approach. 

 Maybe you're thinking at this point, “this isn't sound too bad right?” Quick disclaimer - sometimes the things that come up are not very pretty. They're not very pleasant. They can come up and surprise you. Be gentle with yourself. Do not judge yourself. 

Allow shadow work to do its thing, and you're going to be so much more powerful. 

 If you've been trying to achieve something, you've been working hard at it, you've been showing up doing the thing and you still haven't achieved it… Shadow work is something you get to do. 

 If you have a lot of fears that stop you, that hold you back, you procrastinate, you distract, you don't complete tasks because you don't even know why…

Shadow work is something you get to do. 

 If you are in a career that does not fulfill you…

Shadow work is something you get to do. 

  Shadow work is an accelerator.

It will accelerate you shedding all the things that you are NOT! You release any limiting beliefs, any blocks, so that you can express and fully be the version of you that your soul came here to be. It supports you to show up in that way and create the experiences that your soul came here to experience. 

Shadow work is death and rebirth. It's the old you dying/ integrating and the new you being birthed. It's a rebirth. It’s one of the most powerful things you can do!

 Let me know in the comments, what topic you're going to do, shadow work on. I will love to know and support you in any way that I can. I will see you on the next  


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