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Intuition Development


My top three ways on how to develop your intuition.

Before we can talk about intuition development, it's important we're on the same page with what intuition is!

Intuition is your divine compass.

It's that that thing guiding you towards the life that you came here to experience. The most fulfilling one, the one that there's the most expansion, learning, full expression, power and magic. This is why intuition development is so important to focus on.


One more thing before we get into the tips for intuition development...

In the beginning of my journey I thought that I wasn't intuitive. I tried to find someone that was and could just answer questions about my life and what I needed to do. In that journey I discovered that actually I was intuitive and that everyone is.

If you have any doubt on whether you're intuitive or not, let me just tell you right now 👇

You are so intuitive!

Here are 3 tips to help you with intuition development.

Tip #1 for intuition development is doing shadow work

Shadow work is really powerful work that can sometimes be turbulent and tough. There’s actually some controversy on whether people should be doing shadow work. Personally, I believe that everyone should be doing this work, you just get to adjust how fast you do this work and how deep you go. 

Shadow work is looking at all aspects of yourself. Especially the aspect of yourself that you've suppressed, that you've rejected or that you don't know are there. It's diving deep into the subconscious mind to know the truth of what you actually feel about yourself, others, the world, and how the world works. Your subconscious mind is actually dictating about 80% of the decisions that you make, how you behave, how you show up and the energy that you hold. Imagine not knowing what's actually running your life.

How does this connect with intuition specifically?

If you have a shadow belief that it's weird to feel energy running through your body or that it's weird to feel heat in your hands during what seems to be random times, and let's say that your intuition is actually showing up in that way. Because you hold that shadow, it's going to be very hard to perceive and engage with your intuition, and therefore it's going to be hard to develop it.

Another way that shadow work connects with intuition is let's say your intuition is guiding you to write that book. If hold a shadow within you that believes you’re not worthy or skilled enough to write this book, it's going to be hard for you to, again, perceive your intuition and follow it which won't allow you to continue to develop it. 

Tip #2 for intuition development is revealing your intuitive signature

Media teaches us  how intuition should show up. If you have a belief that intuition is supposed to show up with a vision, but your intuition shows up completely differently you're not going to pick up on the messages your intuition is telling you. This is why it’s important to reveal how your intuition specifically shows up for you. I've helped many clients reveal their intuitive signature. I'm still have not seen two people in which intuition shows up exactly the same. 

Revealing your intuitive signature is going to be key because once you perceive it and you know how your intuition communicates, you can speak the same language and engage with it. This will allow you to develop a beautiful relationship with it.

Tip #3 for intuition development is to engage with it daily

You have a choice here with working with your intuition. You can either have a booty call one night stand type of relationship, or you can have a really strong, loving, long term relationship. There's no good or bad, but I think it's going to serve you more to have a beautiful, long, strong relationship with it.

You develop this by engaging with a daily. Engage with it in the little things and the bigger things. This will allow your intuition to strengthen like a muscle. Sometimes we will only ask our intuition questions when we think we need help with, but when you develop a long term relationship with it, your intuition is going to show up for you even if you didn't ask a question. It's going to show up when you ask and it's gonna show up when you didn't know you had to ask 

Those are my top three tips on how to develop your intuition

If you follow these 3 tips, you're going to start developing your intuition rapidly. You're going to have so much clarity on so many different aspects of your life and this is going to create a really powerful, and transformative experience.

Following your intuition is being in rhythm with life. It's opening yourself up to what your soul came here to do. It's being on a path to the most magical, powerful, fulfilling life. But before you can get to follow your intuition. You have to develop it.

Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt that maybe your intuition was telling you something. But you weren't sure? Let me know in the comments. 

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