Hey I’m Anna !
I share content on how to get clear on what you want, activate your gifts, develop soul inspired strategy and tap into your magick so that you can create the life you truly desire.
How did I get here? Well, I followed the rules, worked hard and built a life I was told I should have. I then realized I build a life that wasn’t my own. I wasn’t fulfilled, I held a lot of trauma and I felt like my soul was suffocating. I decided to start over and create a life that feels like a full body YES.
Now, I practice ancient medicine to support others in connecting with their magick, power and creating the life they desire.
Here’s how we can work together:
Join Your Soul Aligned Career! 💫
A 6 week course to rapidly step into the career your soul truly desire!
Are you ready to experience a career that fulfills you, you have a positive impact on the world and you make money doing what you love?
I’ve worked with so many people accelerate their soul purpose, connect with their power and heal trauma in order for them to tap into their magick.
I’ve you’ve dabbled in superficial manifestation work you’ve noticed the trend of completely ignoring “negative” emotions.
The big issue with this is these emotions aren’t actually negative, they’re just uncomfortable. They hold power, wisdom and gifts but we’ve pushed them away making them part of our shadow. When you work with your shadow, you access your power and gifts helping you manifest more powerfully and intentionally.
My work addresses your shadow and your light. Because of this, you experience true transformation!
Ready to dive in?
1. I married my high school sweat heart
Moses and I met in my freshmen year of college. It’s been so much fun doing life with my best friend.
fun facts!
Here are a few things you. may not know about me…
2. I learned how to drive only recently
Walking and the subway were my forms of transportation. Moving out of New York required me to learn how to drive and oh boy did I not want to lol.
3. I’ve traveled and tried different practices for my healing journey
I’ve been to Peru, Costa Rica, New Mexico, Joshua Tree all for to figuring out why I’m here and what my soul came here to do.
I believe it’s our birthright to create the life we desire!
Doing the work your soul came here to do makes this possible.