How To Reinvent Yourself!



It is currently the end of August 2024 and my 40th birthday is coming up soon.

As I reflect on my life, I’ve come to realize I’ve done some good and maybe even great things but there is also a lot I have NOT experienced.

So now what, what do I do with this information?


Knowing is the first step.  Trust me it is a hard, painful grief filled step, but an important one. 

Knowing sets up the conditions to make a sovereign decision…

Do I continue this trajectory knowing I won’t be truly myself and live my most fulfilling life, or do I create change and deviate trajectories to the unknown?

Is there risk? YES

Is there a guarantee that the new path will be better? NO

There should be no shaming of yourself on what you decide, there should be only celebrating your ability, your right, your privilege to decide. You get to make this decision for yourself, nobody else gets to decide this for you. 

After some tossing and turning, doing deep reflection and contemplating to no end, guess what I decided?

I decided to reinvent myself! 

I decided to change the trajectory of my life to a new destination!

KNOWING is the environment that allows for a decision. 

THE DECISION is the catalyst that creates change or keeps things the same. 

I’m going to document and share with you how I’m going about reinventing myself one step at a time. I’ll start with auditing all categories of my life and deciding what needs to go, what can stay, and what needs to be introduced. 

Let's call this project Reinvent Yourself!

As any project it will have a few phases, borrowing from the scientific method, the first phase will require us to ask an important and relevant question of what we observe. I’ll call this phase the Curious Introspection. 

Next blog I’ll share with you how I will do this for all aspects of my life and gain clarity on at least a ballpark direction to aim for as I start navigating towards a new direction. It’s ok if I need to adjust and pivot throughout this journey but having clarity on what is working, what is not and what I want is a great first step. 

If you want to join me on this journey let me know. Send me a message and share this with anyone you think would benefit from this. Let’s courageously take the first steps to stepping into our New Era.


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