Yearly Birthday Reset Ceremony


It’s that time of the year again… another Solar Return!

I don’t personally participate in most common holidays, but there are 2 that are very important to me, birthdays and new years. 

These 2 days or time periods allow for and reminds one to reflect on the past, present and future. It’s a way to see how far you’ve come in all aspects of life and make a conscious decision on where you are headed next. This falls perfectly with the current phase of the Reinventing Myself Project, the curious introspection phase. 


For the past few years I’ve been very intentional about how I spend my birthday. Since it’s my  birthday today, I thought it would be helpful to document my process and things I consider when creating my Birthday Reset Ceremony. 

Birthday Ceremonies > Birthday Parties!

Step 1: Create space on your calendar

Ideally I like to perform this ceremony on the day of my birthday, but if for some reason I cannot, I prefer to do it before the actual day.

Choosing the day of or before allows me to have already aligned my mind, body and energy before my new chapter. More important than the actual day you choose, is creating time and space for you to perform the ceremony. Give yourself a few hours if not a whole day to perform the ceremony and have time to integrate. 

My birthday falls on Friday the 13th this year. I will be performing the ceremony after work. It may take about 2-3 hours for the actual ceremony and I will have my sleep state plus the next day to integrate it. 

I personally like to have a slower day after my ceremony to minimize any distractions from messages, insights, realizations, and/or energy shifts that happen, aka integration. 

Step 2: Get clear on your intention

We have many seasons of life and we benefit from different things depending on what we are currently navigating. It’s a good idea to take this into consideration and set a powerful intention for your ceremony. 

From my experience, the intention you set or don’t set, has a huge impact on the experience you have with ANY ceremony. I’ve learned this the hard way and have accumulated a lot of evidence on the importance of setting an intention. Just to be clear, you don’t have to set an intention, just be ok with whatever comes. Personally, I like to embody my sovereignty and be clear on what I’m choosing. 

It’s true that you don’t always get what you want, and instead get what you need. But it is also true that voicing and honoring your desires is part of the work, especially if you or your ancestors have experienced oppression. Honoring your wants, needs and desires is a spiritual practice within itself. When you do this beliefs about self worth come up, limiting beliefs come up, and other shadow aspects you are unaware of. This creates conditions to be able to work through them. 

If you don’t acknowledge the truth of what you want, you wont become aware of all the ways you may self sabotage due to belief systems, imposter syndrome, holding onto energy that is not serving you, etc.

Acknowledging your desires is part of the real work!

Step 3: Decide what components and/or practices you want to include in your ceremony

This can be as simple or as complex as you want. For this Birthday Reset Ceremony I will include:

Creating sacred space and calling all aspects of me to be present

I like to cleanse myself and the space while also creating energetic boundaries and minimize distractions. I also call all aspects of me to be present. I want ALL of me to be on the same page and on board with where we are headed. This includes my inner child, my higher self, my self sabotage self, my perfectionist self, my confident self, ALL of me.

Intention setting

You would have already done the work of getting clear on what your intention is.  Now it’s about setting it into the energetic field you created. 

Sound Healing

I usually play sound healing throughout the ceremony to support the journey we are going on and add the energy in the sacred space. Sound healing can be very powerful always but especially in ceremony. I love to use solfeggio frequencies that match the intention I have for the ceremoney. 


In this section I reflect on everything I’ve been through, the tough, painful, sad experiences but also the beautiful, powerful, amazing moments. I get really honest with myself. I ask myself a few questions…

Have I shown up in a way that honors myself, my loved ones, my ancestors?

What were some of the toughest moments I've experienced so far in my life? Am I happy with how I navigated them?

What have been some of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned?

What have been the most joyful, pleasurable, fun, uplifting moments I’ve experienced so far? How can I create more of that?

How satisfied am I in the different aspects of my life? What do I want to keep experiencing? What do I want to change? What will I absolutely no longer tolerate?

For this next year who do I get to be? What version of myself do I get to embody, activate, bring forth?

Soul Aligned Desires

After the above journaling I will get even more clear on what I desire. Not just what I desire, but what I desire on a soul level, what desires are aligned with my soul and not my trauma. I write those down in a clear concise statement

Conscious choosing

At this point I tune into what version of myself already has those desires. 

If I already had this experience…

What would I believe about myself?

What would I believe about the world?

What would my day to day look like?

What habits do I have?

What do my relationships look like?

What does my health and physical activity look like?

What does my style look like?

What do I do for fun?

How do I navigate difficult situations?

How do I handle success?

How do I handle failure?

How do I handle fear?

What are my values?

What does my day to day feel and look like?

And then I choose it! I declare it! I tune into what that energy feels like and align to it.

Plant medicine ally

I love to work with plan allies. They are energies that support me, call me out on my bs, point out the blind spots, remind me of what I’ve forgotten, help me remember who I am.

There are many plants you can work with and in many different ways. The most heard of plant medicine are the psychedelic ones, but there are so many different plants you can work with that are gentle, non psychedelic, and that hold the energy for different journeys. 

I’m still tuning into which plant feels aligned but very likely I will work with cacao medicine since it is very heart opening, and this will allow me to step into a plant medicine dieta I will be doing for 30 days. 

Side note: ‘Plant Dietas’ are usually very intense, done in the jungle, isolated from distractions and with guidance. The Dieta I’m doing is one more suited for our modern lives where we can’t take off for a month to go to the middle of the jungle to do deep work. Instead its a way to still do this beautiful work, commune with the plant, learn lessons and do so in a gentle way that allows for integration as you do it. If you want me to share my 30 day Plant Medicine Dieta let me know. 


Once I’ve communicated and connected to the plant, I take myself through a breathwork session. 

There is so much I can say about breathwork but I will need to write an entire blog about it next time. It’s one of the most powerful practices I’ve ever encountered and you don’t need anything outside of you. It allows for very powerful transformations. I love it so much that I’ve become a facilitator and have taken 100s of people through a Breathwork journey.

Want to learn more about Breathwork? Send me a message via my Contact Form and you can also check out this video —> Breathwork For Beginners


When I’m done with the Breathwork journey, I intuitively do some embodiment work. This can be dancing, freestyle movement, yoga, anything that feels right in that moment. 

Post Reflection

I then allow myself to journal anything that came up, any realizations, insights, visions, messages, feelings, anything I want to remember or go deeper into

Closing out

When I’m done I like to close out the ceremony with intention, preparing my body, mind, spirit to be in this world again but not forget I’m not of this world. I am a divine sovereign being and my human brain may never know the depths and vastness of my existence. This will help keep you aligned with your new energy while navigating the world instead of bouncing back to who the world tells you you are. 

Step 4: Integration

For the next couple of hours and even days, I will be super gentle with myself, let myself be present, stay hydrated, journal any thoughts of feelings and eat supportive yummy food. 

This work is very deep and it’s super interesting how the world reflects things back to you. Be open, present and witness how things recognize themselves to support your new journey

I hope this serves you, if you have any questions feel free to contact me here or comment below.

Sending love,



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